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2pages, 63 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"King Alfred the Great"Advanced Search
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'Alfred the Great in the Neat-Herd's Cottage', 1925. Creator: Howard Davie.
Wedding of King Alfred the Great of England, 1835. Creator: Sigmund Ferdinand von Perger.
Plate 3 for 'History of the Middle Ages', 1793. Creators: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki, Eberhard Siegfried Henne.
Design for Medallion of King Alfred, n.d. Creator: Sir Robert Smirke.
'Alfred',  (c847-899), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
King Alfred, 1733. Creator: George Vertue.
Alfred the Great, 1712. Creator: Unknown.
'Alfred in the Neat-herd's Hut', late 19th century.  Creator: Pearson.
'Alfred the Great', (c847-899), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
'King Alfred', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'Alfred the Great, Disguised as a Harper, Playing Before Guthrum', (878), 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'King Alfred in disguise rebuked by the Neat Herd's Wife for letting the Cakes burn', (c878), 1783.  Creator: Unknown.
'Alfred the Great making a collection of Laws', 1773.  Creator: Charles Grignion.
'Alfred, disguised in the Character of a Harper, viewing the Danish Camp', 1773.  Creator: Charles Grignion.
'Alfred in the Neatherd's Cottage', (mid 19th century).  Creator: J Rogers.
'Alfred Liberating the Family of Hastings.' Creator: Singleton.
'King Alfred Forgets The Cakes', c1907. Artist: Unknown.
'King Alfred the Great, forming a Code of Laws, and Dividing the Kingdom into Counties', c1787. Artist: Unknown.
'King Alfred the Great, disguised as a Musician, viewing the Situation of the Enemy, c1787. Artist: Unknown.
'Alfred in the Isle of Nobles', 1838. Artist: Unknown.
'King Alfred in Neatherd Cottage', 1806, (1912). Artist: David Wilkie.
'Alfred in the neatherd's cottage', c878 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle.
Bentley EXP3  in front of the statue of King Alfred, High Street, Winchester, Hampshire, c1920s. Artist: Bill Brunell.
'Guthrum pays an Evening Visit to Alfred', c1860, (c1860).  Artist: John Leech.
'King Alfred in the Danish Camp', c1884. Artist: Thomas Strong Seccombe.
'King Alfred Inciting The Anglo Saxons', (1878). Artist: Herbert Bourne.
King Alfred the Great, 1785.  Artist: Anon.
Statue of King Alfred the Great, Winchester, Hampshire, early 20th century(?). Artist: Unknown.
England first divided in counties, hundreds, and tythings by Alfred the Great, c880s (1793). Artist: Unknown.
'King Alfred's long-ships defeat the Danes 877', 1925-1927. Artist: Colin Unwin Gill.
The division of England into Counties, Hundreds & Tythings by Alfred the Great, 1808. Artist: Ambrose William Warren
Statue of King Alfred, 9th century. Artist: Unknown
'Portraits and Dresses of the Kings of England...', c1783.Artist: Hawkins
Alfred the Great, (18th century). Artist: J Collyer
'Alfred In The Danish Camp', (c1850). Artist: Unknown
Alfred the Great, (19th century). Artist: Unknown
'Alfred found much pleasure in reading', 9th century, (1905).Artist: A S Forrest
Alfred the Great (849-899), Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex from 871, c1850. Artist: Unknown
King Alfred burning the cakes, 878 (c1900). Artist: Unknown
Alfred the Great (849-899), Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex from 871, (c1920). Artist: Unknown
Alfred the Great (849-899), Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex from 871, 885 (1864). Artist: Unknown
King Alfred in the neatherd's cottage c878 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
King Alfred burning the cakes, (c1900). Artist: Trelleek
Alfred the Great in the Neatherd's Cottage, 9th century AD, (1880). Artist: J Rogers
King Alfred burning the cakes, 878 (1864). Artist: Unknown
'Alfred in the Neat-Herd's Cottage', 1776. Artist: I Hall
'Humorous History'; cartoons on cover of book of sheet music, 1906. Artist: Sidney Kent
Bentley 3 litre by King Alfred statue in Winchester, Hampshire. Artist: Unknown
'King Alfred And The Cakes', (c1850). Artist: Unknown
Alfred the Great at the Battle of Ashdown, 871 (1913). Artist: Morris Meredith Williams
Baptism of King Guthrum, 878 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
King Alfred plans the capture of the Danish fleet, 892 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, 9th century (18th century). Artist: George Vertue
Edward the Confessor and Alfred the Great, English kings, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
'Alfred the Great learning to read', 1897.Artist: Frances Brundage
King Alfred the Great. Artist: Unknown
'King Alfred the Great, disguised as a musician...', (19th century).Artist: Grignion
'King Alfred Inciting the Anglo-Saxons to Repel the Invasion of the Danes, 896', (c1847). Artist: Herbert Bourne
Alfred The Great dividing his loaf with a poor pilgrim, 9th century, (1772). Artist: Unknown
Alfred before the Danish General, (1860). Artist: JM Wright